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stage the surface of the placenta is thrown into heights and hollows ;
the heights do not necessarily mean effusion below. 6. Tlie placenta Keflex Online
usually descends with its edge, or a point near its edge, first, as Duncan
described ; though sometimes the foetal surface comes first, as Keflex 1000 Mg Baude-
locque and Schultze described. The third stage is regarded as Keflex Oral Suspension a second
labor in miniature. The pain which expels the child is followed by a
pause, during which the placenta is still as a whole or in great part at-
tached ; then labor Order Keflex Online comes on again, and the placenta is first detached
and then expelled. This second labor is not always marked off by a
distinct interval from the first, for one long pain may expel the child,
and then detach and expel the placenta.
The Notion which is implied in the Term Castration (Hegar,
"Ctrlbl. f. Gyn.," Oct. 29, 1887). — The term ovariotomy in all Keflex 400 Mg medical
literature means only the removal of ovarian tumors of considerable
size. Hegar originated the use of the term castration Keflex Order to signify the
removal of the female reproductive glands in the same sense as Dose Keflex it is
used by surgeons for the removal of the analogous organs in the male,
and by veterinarians for the operation upon either sex. The synonyms
oophorectomy and normal ovariotomy have been discarded Purchase Keflex — the latter
because it is seldom applicable. Keflex Dose Tait's operation, or the removal of
the uterine appendages, had been performed by the author and others
before it received this name, Tait laying more stress upon the impor-
tance of the tubes and their removal than the others did. Similar re-
marks might be made in regard to the term salpingotomy. The object
of castration is twofold : to remove an organ which is a source of irri-
tation on account of pathological changes, and to bring to a conclusion
the functions of ovulation and menstruation. The advantages of the
anticipated climax were originally pointed out by Hegar, also collateral
effects which might be expected from the ligation of certain vessels,
stretching of bands, tearing of adhesions, effecting mobility in organs
previously immobile, correction of uterine displacement, and Keflex 750 Mg the causa-
tion of a profound mental impression. According to Martin, Schroder
and C. Ruge, it is essential to the notion of castration that the ovaries
be healthy and that recovery be dependent upon one mode of action —
the anticipated climacteric. Martin even wishes to limit the term to
those Antibiotics Keflex cases in which normal ovaries are removed for the purpose of
producing an effect upon the sexual life — that is, upon psychoses which Buy Keflex
are involved in the cases. The Keflex Purchase definition of these authors is open to
the objection that it involves a complex notion, referring both to the
health of the organ which is to be removed and the method by which
a cure is to be effected. Prochownik's definition is a better one, cas-
tration signifying to him the removal of the ovaries for the purpose of
producing the menopause, irrespective of the health or disease of the
ovaries. The knowledge concerning the relation between ovulation and
the functions of the uterus, and concerning the influence of a cessation
of activity of the ovaries upon the system at large, the nervous system,
and the 500 Keflex Mg mind, is yet too indefinite to be formulated in any definition of
castration. Again, Martin, in the second edition of his book on "The
Pathology and Treatment of the Diseases of Women," considers that all
castrations for myoma should be called ovariotomies, thus apparently
discarding the consideration of the physiological condition of the organ
in his definition. Whether the operation is called ovariotomy or castra-
tion, it is important to remember in giving a definition that the opera-
tion and the indication which calls for it are quite distinct, and this
whether the indication is pelvic peritonitis, an affection of the tubes,
or an affection of the ovaries. The fine distinctions which Ruge makes
between ovaries which are anatomically diseased, though clinically not
diseased — that is, the cystic degeneration, for example, which can not be
ascertained by palpation — are Keflex For Mrsa considerations which ought not to enter
into a definition of castration. The author believes, therefore, that the
original idea as enunciated by him is better calculated to express the
facts concerned in castration than any of the recent improvements and Keflex 500mg
Parotitis following Ovariotomy. — This complication was observed
by Bumm ("Ctrlbl. f. Gyn.," Oct. 29, 188*7) in the records of seven-
teen ovariotomies. The swelling of the gland was first noticed be-
tween the third and the eleventh or twelfth days after Keflex Dosage the operation.
In two of the cases the sublingual and the submaxillary glands were
also inflamed. It does not follow that the inflamed parotid will Keflex 500mg Price be on
the same side of the body as the ovary which is extirpated. In nine
of the cases the inflammation was of a suppurative character. Mciricke
considers this a serious complication. It would seem as if it were
more likely to occur in cases in which the removal of the tumors was
rendered difficult by adhesions. Most writers who have alluded to this
subject at all regard this inflammation as an effect of the extirpation
of the ovaries, though Keith believes it is entirely an accident. No
better explanation of its cause can be offered than the well-known sym-
pathy which exists between the salivary and the reproductive glands
irritations of the ovaries leading to vaso-motor disturbances in the parot-
ids, and this being Keflex 250 Mg followed by inflammation. If no new factor su|)er-
venes, the process may continue as a simple inflammatory one, and end
spontaneously. According to present knowledge, suppuration can only
occur after the entrance Keflex And Mrsa of pyogenic micro-organisms which have been
found to belong to the species Staphylococcus aureus. The drying up
of the salivary secretion, which is not infrequently observed after
ovariotomy, may be looked upon as an element of proof that the micro-
organisms enter the system at the time of the operation.
Endometritis during Pregnancy. — Among the causes of abortion,
says Veit ("Ctrlbl. f. Gyn.," Oct. 29, 1887), endometritis should receive
greater consideration than has usually been accorded to it. The au-
thor prefers to call this variety endometritis gravidarum rather than
endometritis decidualis. The changes in the ova which are cast off in
connection with this condition are uniform, and they are not caused
merely by the death of the ova. Abortion from this cause is good evi-
dence that the disease existed previous to impregnation, but not neces-
sarily that it was severe. The placenta in such cases will usually be
found to have undergone pathological changes. The discovery of evi-

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